A Portfolio

There is something especially healing in a walk in the woods. Bare feet we wonder down the beaten path, each step feeling a little lighter than the last. Minds empty of the thoughts from the day we had yet flood with new inspirations of what is still yet to come, reminded in every step that the trees we walk beneath were once but small seeds themselves. Here in the woods we find ourselves connected, here in the woods we find the heart of it.

- jess graham

The Heart of It - ink on watercolour paper (2022)

Pinecone Sophia - ink on watercolour paper (2023)

She holds them close to her heart, the seeds she was tasked to carry, waiting for the elements to align. When the timing is right she will share them, let them free to find their own. Until then she holds them softly, imagining to what heights one day they will grow.

-jess graham

Beautiful Adaptation - ink on watercolour paper (March 2024)

In the forest stands a tree whose appearance is different to those around it. As it bulges in ways that may have never been seen before, it stands proudly, knowing the stressful times that created this part of itself, is of value now. It has provided a unique and beautiful feature that stops people in their tracks. It cannot be found everywhere, it can not be duplicated and it is, and always will be the only one just like it.

- jess graham 

Lone Tall Pine - India ink on paper (2023)

In moments we may feel we stand alone but below the surface we all connect, for in order to stand as tall as we do, it is our roots tangling together deep in the ground that support us as we reach, as we dream and as we touch the clouds.

-jess graham

Waves of Wonderment - watercolour on paper (2023)

Moving waters hold a special kind of magic. A magic that each day has something new to share, new inspirations to spark and an endless sense of connection that we can’t help but find ourselves longing for.

-jess graham

A Piece of the Big Picture - acrylic paint markers, ink on paper (2024)

A plot of land is bought and cleared to build our homes. Trees grow in single file to fuel our stoves. Their colours go unnoticed, their beauty unseen as we make them a resource, all for me, all for you, nothing for them. Until here in this moment, as I grab another piece to feed the flames that keep me warm, I see her colours, I see her beauty and I thank her for all she does.

-jess graham

Tennessee Rock Face - acrylic markers, ink on paper (2024)

I stand still with the sunshine warm on my face after many days of rain. I look around and admire the landscape that welcomes new explorers, new climbers and new hikers alike. Feeling thankful as the breeze circles around me, bouncing between the large rock formations that I stand among. There is a lot to look at and as I look to the left I see her looking back at me. Her brow is strong, her expression stoic and my imagination wonders wildly thinking of what all she must have seen, that beautiful face in the rock walls of Tennessee.

Rock In My Pocket - watercolour painted May 2023

Fascination sparks young and little is questioned about the desire for a rock in our pocket. As time brings age, so too comes more things to be known, answered appear for questions we didn’t even know we had and as we continue to collect, now with intention, we find gratitude for our young self - pockets full of rocks, trusting the Devine desire that brought us here today.

Stone Wall - acrylic paint markers and ink (Jan 2024)

Years of formation has created this wall to what it is today. A boundary set out of love to separate one part of the forest from another. Over time the wall may shift, it may even come down, but for today as the roots continue to line the space between the stones, I show compassion and acceptance for my stone wall.  Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

-jess graham

Stone Gaze - acrylic paint markers and ink (Feb 2024)

Immersed in nature our thoughts can become clear and our intentions can solidify. As we slowly wonder along the trail, or sit silently with our bottoms comforted by the moss quilted forest floor, we can find ourselves again. And as we gaze out to the towering trees and rock formations that surround us, our hearts fill with gratitude for all that gazes back.

- jess graham 

Take it to the Trees - acrylic paint markers and ink (2024)

Walk among them, alone stand beneath them, feel them and allow them to do what they do best. They are here for it, they are here for you. Allow them to help you build off that new idea. Allow them to lift that weight you carry so bravely on your shoulders. Allow them to ignite the flame that you need to set your dreams into motion. With hearts full of gratitude, take it to the trees.

- jess graham 


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